Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Preliminary Ballistics Report Indicates Simon Innocent

All may not be lost for Alfredo Simon after all.
A "preliminary forensics report" absolves Baltimore Orioles pitcher Alfredo Simon in the New Year's killing of a man in the northern coastal town of Luperon, his lawyer said Tuesday, but police expressed skepticism.
"The ballistics tests have been favorable," lawyer Carlos Olivares told CNN in a telephone interview. "We are waiting for the formal report."

For those unaware of the situation, let me catch you up.   During a New Year's Eve celebration in the Dominican Republic, gun shots were fired into the air that ended up not only killing 25 year old Michael Esteban Castillo, but also injuring his 17 year old brother.  Orioles reliever Alfredo Simon was named as their primary suspect in the murder case.  Within 24 hours, Simon surrendered to authorities on murder charges.  After further investigation, those charges were reduced to involuntary manslaughter.     

The preliminary ballistic report indicates that the bullets that killed Castillo were not fired from Simon's gun.  If the official report confirms these findings, then it would absolve him of the charges of involuntary manslaughter.   The report that was released yesterday was a preliminary report, so we need to exercise the appropriate level of skepticism.  Furthermore, it's still pretty early in the investigation, and there's a ton of police work still to be done.  Authorities have three months to formally indict Simon, and most expect the prosecution to move quickly if the ballistics reports confirm Simon as the killer.

Stay tuned.  I'm sure there is a lot more to come.

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